Love Laws

Where has all the romance gone? There’s nothing like loving gestures to warm the heart of your other half, except if your loved one treats Valentine’s Day as scrooge treats Christmas. So what can you do to encourage the passion and romance that you crave? 

 Each year as January ends, and February looms, the 14th will be crossing most women’s minds. You either love or it or you hate it. Thankfully a lot of those involved in loving relationships embrace this public celebration, and see Valentine’s Day as a pause in our busy lives for a celebration of love and romance.

Despite the warm hopeful feeling of being taken by surprise, you can almost always rely on someone crashing you back down to a supposed reality where flowers don’t actually grow in the shape of hearts, and it just isn’t realistic to feed each other every mouthful of bolognaise. Some people will just never find the cure of the Valentine’s Blues, and will never understand this day of indulgence that so many of us welcome with open arms.

So what happens if you find yourself in a loving relationship, and discover that you and your partner do not share the same enthusiasm over Valentine’s Day? Catch 22 alert. It’s not the nicest feeling to wake up to nothing more than morning breath and a bad case of ‘got out of the wrong side of the bed syndrome’ and realise that producing a giant card and clutching chocolates might not be the best idea.

Plan B. Tricky though the concept might be, converting the haters shouldn’t be that difficult, and your efforts should under no exceptions go unnoticed.

Step 1. Protest. You are entitled to freedom of speech. “Why not celebrate our love and devotion to each other…” open question, response is mandatory though prepare a good argument.

 Step 2. Everyone has to eat. The way to many hearts is through food, good food that you don’t have to prepare yourself or wash up after.

Step 3. Not many people would be able to resist either pamper days or Lamborghini experiences. These are not compulsory but the idea is there. If all else fails, it is tough to dispute quality time. Here are a few ideas to either inspire the uninspired or to be the bargaining tool for those who haven’t quite been won over by the concept – despite your efforts…

Wine and Dine Yes the ultimate Valentine’s Day cliché, a romantic candlelit dinner, Lady and the Tramp style. There is nothing wrong with this, and actually a bit of old school romance goes a long way. Find the right restaurant with the right ambiance and you will have yourself a winning combination. Why not try the Artillery Tower in Firestone Bay, Plymouth, Escape from the hustle and bustle of the city centre and take in the unique sea views and fine dining.

R is for Relaxation The stresses of everyday life can take its toll on everyone, so why not take a trip to a local spa and relax, unwind and soak up the lazy atmosphere. With 50% off at only £39.00 per couple, you can enjoy an afternoon tea and full use of the Cornwall Hotel Spa facilities, and estate. The perfect choice for those on a tight budget. Visit

A life lived in fear is a life half lived There is no telling on how this surprise will go down, however it will definitely be an exhilarating experience! Maybe not the most conventional Valentine’s Day gift, but there is no denying the romantic gesture of jumping out of a plane for your loved one. There are many places you can skydive, including in Honiton near Devon or Perranporth in Cornwall

Budget buys Valentine’s Day is not all about spending vast amounts of money to impress your other half. Why not create an online photo album of the timeline of your relationship. It is something you can both keep and share, relive the memories and see how you have changed as a couple. Starting at £9.99 this is a cheap alternative that will not fail to bring out a smile on Valentine’s Day, even if they don’t want to. Go to There are so many different opportunities to celebrate this special day, and the region has a vast variety of options to suit and cater for your needs. Whether a bit of persuasion and persistence is in order, or a hopelessly romantic gesture sweeps you off you feet, there isn’t a better time to let the love rule.

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Magazine Work

Blog Posts

Week One

As part of University degree, in the subject of Magazine production, I and five others are producing a magazine of our choice. Within the group we will each have different roles, and different jobs to do within the magazine. Not only will this assignment be challenging as we are entirely in control of it, but we will need to help and rely on each other, just as in a real magazine would work, and work together as a tight team.

The first step is to choose the concept in which we will base our magazine on. The group has decided on a female based magazine, aiming at 18-30-year-olds, based in Cornwall. Our main inspirations for the magazine are Glamour, Cosmopolitan and Dazed and Confused which all are female based magazines that cover subjects such as beauty, fashion and music.

There are a lot of things that we need to think about, and work as a team to agree on and decided. One of the most important first decisions we have to make is to consider the title of magazine. This is very significant as it is something that needs to reflect our magazine. Also we need to agree on the style and format of the magazine. Advertising is also very important, as if this were a real magazine; we would rely heavily on advertising, so we need to choose very carefully shops, businesses and people that will reflect our magazine.

Week two

We have decided on a name! Introducing, Grind magazine. Although it may seem a simple task to come up with a name, but it’s actually quite difficult to decide on something that all six of us will be happy with, something that isn’t already used, and something that will reflect our magazine. We played around for ages with different names and concept, and finally came up with something that we agreed on! Because our magazine is based on beauty, fashion, music, we wanted create a magazine that was specifically for women, but not just looking at fashion, but music, art sport, news, places to go, and things to see. We want to incorporate a little bit of everything that all females can relate to.

We decided on GRIND, because it doesn’t sound like your every day magazine, it’s something that will stand out, and will contrast with the image of a female that we want on the front cover, something that all of the magazines that we are looking at have.

We have set up a Facebook group, so we all can talk together, as its easier than constantly arranging meetings, and we only have one day a week to work together at University.

In design. A programme that lets us produce work suitable for article work that will be used to format for our magazine. It’s quite complicated to use, and I have really struggled to get my head around it. Luckily a member of our group is familiar with it, and has access to the programme at home, which will be useful! We all need to work with the programme and produce our work on In design and then send it to her.

Week three

Content. Its one thing brainstorming all the lovely ideas that everyone has and another actually deciding what exactly to put into our magazine. We have decided to cover beauty articles, fashion, involving a charity challenge, music/art/film reviews, what’s on guide to the area such as what bands are playing and where, any exhibitions that are being held etc, news local and national, sport, looking at bios of local girls, horoscopes, and a section on sex and health. I think it’s good to cover a range of subjects, however it may get too much, and we might end up over complicating the magazine, so this will have to be something that we come back to and re-consider.

We have also chosen our roles within the magazine. Every magazine needs roles. Editor, Sub-editor, Production editor, art editor, features editor news editor etc. My role within the magazine will me features editor. I’m pleased that this is my role as writing features is my strong point, and I have already got a few ideas lined up.

We have also decided on the basic format and style for our magazine. Although it’s only week three and early days yet, we are aware that although we have made some decisions, it’s very possible that they may change. We really want to have our magazine at a slightly bigger size than A4. This is the same as Dazed and Confused magazine. I think that this will really help our magazine to stand out. Most magazines stop at A4, though this may prove to be less popular, and with the other two magazines we are looking at, Glamour and Cosmopolitan have both within the past two years have brought out sizes of their magazines that are half the size. I choose to purchase the smaller sizes; this might be the case with a lot of people, who find it more convenient, so this may not work in our favour.


Week Four

The flat plan for the magazine is all decided! We have got 30 pages, including 7 adverts. A few of us have been in contact with advertisers and things are looking up!

We have started advertising for a front page model, something that is very important, as we need to find a girl who has the right look for our magazine.

As my role within the magazine is features editor I will look over all the features that are being written, as well as writing some myself. The features that I will write, will be a beauty feature looking at professional make-up artist Ella Butler, and look at products that she likes and uses. Also I am producing a sporting profile, along with another member of my team, Isis. We want to have a page that shows women who are trying their hand at extreme sports, and produce a small profile on them. We are hoping to cover sports such as BMX bike riding, surfing, skate boarding and any other sports that we can find.

I have already found a female surfer, and have conducted an interview. Finding someone that would be appropriate and who would actually have the time to have an interview was a struggle, but I eventually found the right girl! Now it is just a question of writing up my profile in a similar style to Isis, so that our work fits together and flows smoothly.

Week Five

This is the font that we have chosen to use for the magazine. White Rabbit font. It is quite bold, and we have chosen to use it for our title. It isn’t my preferred choice, however the majority of the group have chosen it.

This week is when we need to decide on all the boring jobs, such as font, colour, bleeds (the borders, which we have chosen a 3mm bleed) and knuckle down on finding advertisers. I’m so glad this is a group project, so much to do, so little time!

Annoyingly it will too difficult to produce a magazine that will be larger than A4, but smaller than A3. I have a contact that works with reprographics and have tried my best to sort out the situation, but to no avail. We have settled on A4, which is close enough.

I have found a local restaurant that we can use as an advertiser. Their restaurant is quirky, and retro, and I think it fits in well with our magazine. I was a bit dubious at first, using a restaurant as advertising, as opposed to clothing shops, but as it is a Cornish based magazine, and the restaurant is local, I think it fits in well.

Initially it was quite intimidating; the prospect of phoning up and emailing so many people for interviews and to use them for adverts, but now it’s quite enjoyable!

We have also found a model for our front page, Laura Brown, and plans for a photo shoot are underway.

Week Six

The font cover has been designed! It’s so exciting to see our work coming together.

I think the final picture looks stunning. It’s really stylish and simple, we are all very happy with it. The model is Laura Brown.

This week we have all been working on our reviews. We are covering music, films, books and art. I am writing a review on a local artist. I’ve been all round Falmouth searching for someone suitable, and who is a bit different. I have also looked in my home town of Fowey, Cornwall, which is where I found the right artist, Andrew Leniec, who is in the right age group that we are aiming our readers at (he is 25) and his work is abstract and focuses on the local area and the Cornish coasts.

We have also changed our font. There were different fonts that we played around and looked good, but we decided on Squirrel as it’s easy to read, fairly plain, and different from every day text.

Now that we have all got our own bits and pieces to start editing, and the main stresses are out of the way, the buzz of creating your own magazine has taken over. I’m starting to really get into this project, and I’m really enjoying it. We have all given each other deadlines each week that different pieces of work have to be done by. Sophie, our editor reads through and edits our work before she sends it to Isis, who does the finishing touches on In Design.

Week Seven

Final week! Everyone is rushing around like mad trying to finish off all the last minute details to make sure our magazine looks perfect. It’s so stressful, it really makes you realise what it would be like to be working in a real magazine environment when sending issues to print, you get a real adrenaline rush.

After spending the week doing the rough outlines of what each feature will look like on In Design, and pulling my hair out with the annoyance of not being able to fully understand how to use the programme, I finished all of my work. Only for it then to be changed by the editors. However once seeing how they played around with my work, and changing it slightly, it makes you see it from a different point of view, and it actually looks much better.

This project has opened my eyes about team work. Despite working within a team for various different projects over the years, this assignment has been very beneficial. It’s the first time that we have been completely independent with what we are doing. We have all learnt how to use In Design, understand the ‘behind the scenes’ of making a magazine, such as all the fiddly aspects of font etc, and how important every step is. Learning to rely on each other, and make sure that we can trust each other to keep to the deadlines we set each week. We have all worked so hard on this magazine, and I believe it were to go to publish, it would be a success!

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Limitless Film Review

No-hoper Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is an author suffering from severe writers block; add to this the break-up from girlfriend and publicist Lindy (Abbie Cornish), lack of funds due to a spending spree of an advance on his first novel, and in major need of a haircut and you end up with a very shabby, unmotivated guy, who looks like he needs some luck in his life.

Well you know what they say about luck just being around the corner and all that, well typically in this film, it actually is. Luck however comes in the form of Eddie’s ex-wife’s brother who’s idea of catching up consists of drug dealing with a whisky in one hand. Not the nicest of guys. However he seemingly turns Eddie’s life around the moment that he gives him NZT, an experimental brain-enhancing pill that lets you use 100% of your mind. Dubious Eddie takes the pill and manages to rid himself of his writers block and produces the first draft of his much anticipated novel, much to his publicist’s surprise. 

Suddenly everything is coming together for the man who seemed destined for doom. He has climbed the stake ladder in the financial world, managing to impress business mogul Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro). Nab himself his former flame Lindy, and buy a very flash new pad. Manhattan, Eddie Morra has arrived.  

But, it’s not all just a happy go lucky kind of story, and throughout the plot, darker layers emerge. Eddie soon is aware of the people who will do anything to get the hands on NZT, and they are not the nicest if you can imagine. But like most thriller films, Eddie always comes out on top, no surprise as he is still hooked on the super drug.

Limitless is filled with thrilling scenes, chases from unknown stalkers, a few love scenes, and a fair few questions about whom what and where and you are left with a pretty damn exciting film. Cooper delivers a good performance, however there are a few characters which would have been nice to see their parts developed but none-the-less a great watch.

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Model Behaviour!


I am so proud of my best friend Yasmin, not only for entering the Plymouth Calendar Girls, but winning a spot in the calendar!

Plymouth Calendar Girls is now one of the biggest modelling competitions in the South West, that generates a huge amount of interest from competitors from all over Cornwall and Devon.

Over the past 12 months, Yasmin has had a anxious time, constantly waiting on the news to see if she has made it into the next round. Photo shoot after photo shoot, and numerous poses and pouts, along with her effortless beauty and demeanour saw her into the final, bringing the total from over 400 down to 70 hopefull girls. The girls also take part in raising money for Macmillan Cancer support, the chosen charity for this years calendar.

It wasn’t  until the finale night that the final 12 girls and 12 reserves girls were voted and chosen to have a place in the calendar, a week later and Yasmin recieved her news that she was a Plymouth Calendar girl 2012.

Yasmin, who comes from a small town in Cornwall was hot gossip, and news spread fast. On behalf of everyone who knows and loves Yasmin, I knew you could do and am very pround of you, and wish you every success in your future as a model.

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Daphne Du Maurier Festival Fever


Every year thousands head to the South West of Cornwall to the historic town of Fowey to celebrate the famous Daphne Du Maurier Festival that lasts for two weeks in May.

The festival is held in honour of the late Daphne Du Maurier, whose books, some turned into films and plays have inspired many of the famous faces that put on a show.

This year everything from the making of Downtown Abbey to Ann Widdecombe was available to watch.

The new town councillor Ruth Finlay helped a great deal in setting up and planning the entertainment. The likes of the Gumbo Flyers and the Truro Amateur Operatic Society were held on the town quay and entertained substantial crowds for free.

“It has been very exciting to have a part in planning all the different events that make up the festival. It is very important to a lot of people, and so there has been a lot of pressure to ensure that everything ran smoothly, and I’m very glad it did!”

These two weeks in May provide the small town of Fowey a warm up period in preparation for the summer. As a town that is very much dependant on the trade of holiday makers, the festival brings in much needed business after the quiet winter months.

When asking local manager of Sam’s restaurant Scott Griffin how important the festival is he said, “Its great, it brings a wide variety of people down to this area, who usually miss out the more popular and busy summer months. It gives us an extra few weeks of busy trade that without it, we would struggle.” It’s safe to say this is a shared opinion throughout the businesses of Fowey.

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Royal Wedding reaches all



“It was meant to be a small family affair,” joked Prince William to Kate Middleton’s father. A small affair that they happened to share with 300 wedding guests and 2 billion spectators all across the world.

But why is it that a small country with a small royal family captured the imagination of the world? What is the fascination of two 29-year-olds getting married? It isn’t a state event, as William is not next in line, so maybe it’s the love story, maybe it is the legacy of Princess Diana that still captures people’s hearts, but whatever reason, it certainly is the event of the year.

Ever since the announcement of their engagement in November 2010, businesses have been preparing for this very special day.  Bakeries and cake makers to newsagents and supermarkets, all producing Royal merchandise, to which the public has adorned to.

Thousands gathered to Westminster Abbey trying to catch a glimpse of the couple, many of whom camped for days, patiently waiting. Others crammed themselves outside Buckingham Palace, desperately waiting for the all important kiss. But for those who could not make it to London, watched from their screens. And of these patriotic Brits, some 5,000 street parties were held in honour of the big day.

Certainly the small town of Fowey in the South West of Cornwall was going to try their bests to make the day a big success. Eight streets in the town all had police permission to close their roads to any vehicles for the day. One street in particular, Vicarage meadow put on a spectacular throw.

Red, blue and white lined the entire street, from ribbons to garlands, coloured cups to coloured cakes. In no exaggeration, although surreal it was a spectacular view.

It was a very heart warming sight, to see a community of such age differences coming together to support this traditional day. Youngsters from 5-85 all did their part to provide for the festivities. Sausage rolls, sandwiches, Victoria sponge, you name it, they had it.

Everyone had their own special view on this very happy day. Town Councillor, Ruth Finlay said “it was a chance to unite the country in a positive celebration in what has been a time of economic doom and gloom. It brings a welcome breath of fresh air into the Royal family.”

Aileen Chitty, 83 who despite just having her leg amputated due to an infection, wasn’t going to let anything get in her way of celebrating this special occasion.  “I remember celebrating Diana’s wedding, and now to be celebrating her sons is wonderful, she would have been so proud.”

It was a truly patriotic day, and the talk of many a town. The fascination of the wedding will continue for decades. Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge broke with tradition, leaving as a Princess in an open top car.

Prince William has a fund of good will towards him, after the world grieved for Princess Diana. No one will forget the image of him walking behind his mother’s coffin, aged 15 leading into Westminster and now aged 29 leaving as a husband, it was a joyous scene.

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Something Borrowed Film Review

Watching the trailers on TV, my first impressions, probably like a lot of other peoples, were that Something Borrowed was going to be the same as your average run-of-the-mill romantic comedy.

Rachel (Ginnifer Godwin) plays an attorney and the best friend that anyone could wish for, except that her said best friend is entirely the opposite. Spoilt and incredibly self obsessed, Darcy (Kate Hudson) is engaged to Dex, (Colin Egglesfield), the love of Rachel’s life. A guilt stricken affair conjures up questions of doing the right thing, and doing what you want .The film twists itself in knots by trying to relieve our consciences, but ultimately it is trying to justify having an affair with your best friend’s fiancé.

But despite these setbacks, the film is injected with many anecdotes and hilarious one liners, which saved the film for me. From the bitchy character of Ethan (John Krasinski) to the loveable fool of Claire (Ashley Williams), who to me gave the film real substance.

Sadly there are not many surprises, not that I really expected many, as it is not a film that you expect to challenge the audience, overall it’s a nice piece of fluff that is full of clichés. Something old, something new, something borrowed something definitely to go and watch with the girls.

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A taste of the high life

We pulled off the M5 and began the descend into the rural countryside of Exmoor. Driving through the bendy roads of the charming village of Dulveton, we couldn’t help but fall in love with the surreal surroundings. Finally after the 2 hour journey we pulled up at Northmoor House. More like Northmoor manor.  Suddenly we were transported into something out of Downtown Abbey.

 The sheer size of the place was overwhelming. Once inside we heard the clattering of the other guests, and followed suit. The kitchen was as perfect as they come; a vast wooden table filled the majority of the space, whilst the huge Rayburn filled the room with warmth.

And there on the table, the floor, the surfaces, and the fridge was wine. Over £800 had been spent on wine alone by my boyfriend’s lovely mother. A woman after my own heart indeed. After pouring us both a glass she giddily grabbed us and began to take us on a tour of the house. Lengthy corridors with chandeliers and huge ceilings boarded each of the rooms, the grand dining room which seats 24, covered with champagne, (30 bottles to be precise), leads into the music room, and then into the dining room. On the opposite side of the corridor lies one of the 3 games room set up with a full size snooker table and deer heads. Which when he made sure that his mother wasn’t looking, my boyfriend jumped us and decided to strike a pose as if he was shooting the deer…at the age of 26, but that is neither here nor there.

Exploring even more you can find the old hanging rooms and the servant’s quarters which are used as storing beer for us and as a pantry for others. Upstairs we found ourselves in a spot of bother, in trying to locate on the 12 bedrooms or the 6 bathrooms! Never have I been in such a maze of a house, or something literally straight out of a story book. Once we were all settled in, Tesco’s arrived after a few frantic calls, with our much needed food.  

Crate after crate, chicken after chicken, 6 to be accurate. Now I know that there were 22 of us, but the quantity of food was more than enough for 50, but I am never one to complain…about food or alcohol, that is. After getting settled, and once all the guests had arrived, we sat around for a wonderful curry produced by two of the most charming flamboyant characters I have ever met, and who continued to be as hilarious as when they had arrived. Becky and Sue, I salute you.

 Once full and we had finished a respectable amount of beer/wine/champagne, we moved into the music room where once seated and had our glasses filled we were serenade by Ivamenapausa, and Sheneverhadadickupher. Two of the best ballet dancers I have ever had the pleasure of watching, again Sue was entertaining, but there is nothing like watching your boyfriends mother all dressed up with a pink wig and attempting swan lake, but by now I had already got the impression  that this wasn’t going to be any ordinary weekend….


The best cure I find for waking up on a stinking hangover, is to be fed a feast of bacon, eggs, and the full works of a fry-up, washed down with a bit of champagne, nothing  like hair of the dog to see you through the day. After everyone had enjoyed a lazy morning, the group dispersed, with some choosing to venture into Dulveton, take their shot at Clay pigeon shooting, or like me and ‘my’ group, take a leisurely stroll around the surrounding grounds of Northmoor.

 Once again I forgot that lurking inside the head of my boyfriend is a very young very curious and excited child. Once we were nestled in the forest, all thoughts of a romantic stroll were quickly pushed aside as he began tearing down the hillside. Once situated at the riverside, some 15 feet below, I watched as he sat, stick in hand trying to catch fish. Finally 20 minutes later, and two returns to see if fish had appeared, we headed back to the house, him disappointed no fish, and me pissed off with the humidity seeking revenge on my hair. 

Now thankfully we had all been warned in my boyfriend’s case, but had all been issued with a pack before we arrived. Inside the pack was our character for murder mysteries which was due to take place on Saturday evening. I was nurse Dibbling Bradshaw, and Tom was Doctor Head, if only I could say no pun intended. To his disappointment I had already ordered him a fetching neon blue set of Surgeon scrubs, and myself an appropriate nurses get up, much of the amusement of the other guests. I personally regard myself as quite a reserved character, but seemingly so, this bunch of mad hatters started to rub off on me, and I began to participate in one of the most hilarious games I have ever played.

 Usually when you do something like this, you find that not everyone is willing to cooperate, but not in this instance. We had horse racing, drug taking (mock drug taking that is, we were in character remember) dancing, drinking (of course) and finally the identification of the murderer some four hours later. The winner was announced over a huge feast of Beef, and the prizes were given. It was time to start the party, and yet again we drank (though I’m pretty sure we had only stopped to sleep the night before) danced, and I was finally woken up by Toms mother on the sofa at 4am.



I shamefully say, that despite being a university student, I couldn’t handle the drink as much as the rest of the lot. But then I will happily say that it may have something to do with the fact that most of them were 30 years my senior. Again the men treated us to a fabulous breakfast, nothing like 8 cans of beans to get you going…. Bucks Fizz was about all I could handle, none of the hard stuff for me, for another few hours at least. It was lovely to see that the weather had decided to pick up a little bit, and a warm sunshine shone over the beautiful house and gardens. We spent the day lazing around, acting as the lords and ladies of the manor, continuously entertained by the clowns, until our last supper was prepared. A lovely Sunday Roast, followed by the largest treacle pudding with the largest candle stuck in the middle for toms mothers birthday., A rousing chorus of Happy Birthday, and a tearful set of present giving, and then it was time for my boyfriend and I to bid our farewells to the rest of the guests and begin our pitiful drive back to reality.

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Last Night at Chateau Marmont review


Shake up a musician, add a little fame and fortune, twirl with a sordid affair pour over ice and you are left with the perfectly blended cocktail that with a summers day goes hand in hand.
Author Lauren Weisberger had a lot riding on her success of bestselling ‘The Devil wears Prada’, but sadly her latest titles have fell a little flat, ‘Last night’ being no exception. The sweet storyline is as predictable as they come, girl meets boy, they fall in love, he becomes famous and everything goes pear shaped.
Brooke, a nutritionist working two jobs to support her husband Julian, a talented but struggling musician wants nothing more than to see the success that her husband truly deserves. However, when Julian becomes an overnight success, their happily married life is thrown in at the deep end, when Julian becomes the newest up and coming star on every magazine.
A Manhattan girls dream? To be married to a famous wealthy husband, who parades her to every trendy hotspot in town. Well the grass certainly is always greener, or so they say. When the cracks start to appear in their relationship, it hits the front pages, but nothing tastes more sour than the scandalous picture of your husband kissing another girl. Can they survive? More like can Weisberger keep you guessing for more than five minutes, and the answer is irritatingly no.
Whilst ‘Last night’ certainly lacks substance, it does happily make you forget about your own miseries. If you are jet setting off to some far away destination, and ‘Last night’ is the last book on the shelf, then I would happily pack it in my bag.

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