Fowey Town parish set to close Polkerris only public toilet

The inhabitants of Polkerris and the local businesses have been shocked at the news that Cornwall council will be relinquishing their control of all public toilets within the Parish of Fowey.

The local town’s facilities were high up on a list for Cornwall Council to make cuts to save spending. To save the toilets, the local town council had little option other than to agree to take control over the toilets and their costs.

The speed with which the decision has been made has left local inhabitants of Polkerris little opportunity to express their horror at such a decision. The impact of the loss of the only public convenience in Polkerris will potentially have a devastating effect on the three businesses and those living in Polkerris.

Landlady of the popular public house and restaurant The Rashleigh Inn, Mrs Samantha Spode said at the meeting of the Fowey Town Council: “why were we not told earlier about the decision? Does Cornwall County Council not realise the impact of loosing not only the public convenience in Polkerris but loosing public conveniences in many popular tourists’ destinations in Cornwall, such as Mevagissey and Padstow will have?”

It costs around £10,000 a year to maintain a set of toilets which includes cleaning, water, business rates and electricity. The charging units will be essential to try and cover some of these costs. Fowey Town Council precept tax is charged on 1700 families that live in Fowey Town Parish. This raises £42,000 a year. The cost of the five toilets will be £46,000 per year.

Local restaurateur Sam Sixton said the local businesses are prepared to come to an agreement about some of the running costs of the upkeep of the public convenience in Polkerris.

Manager at Sam’s on the Beach, Sam Turner has highlighted his concerns over the possibility of the toilet closing. He said: “the beach is heavy in the summer months, for those who are not customers to continuingly use our bathroom with sandy feet will be a huge inconvenience and disturbance for those who are paying money and trying to enjoy a meal in which they have reserved a table for.”

Fowey Town Council has agreed to keep Polkerris open in the short term while they investigate various options from a local cooperative of Polkerris about cleaning and maintaining the toilets with support from Fowey Town Council.

Concerns over the closure of the public toilet surround baby changing facilities, disabled facilities, concerns over an increase of waste. Landlady of The Rashleigh Inn Samantha Spode: “we maintain our facilities to a high standard for the benefit of our customers who will not want to queue to share them with wet, sandy beach visitors and may be put off returning.”

Cornwall Council is looking to install charging units within the toilets. Polkerris toilets are leased from the Rashleigh estate to Cornwall Council, Sir Richard Rashleigh has indicated that he will be willing to work with Fowey Town Council to try and keep the toilets open for the benefit of Polkerris.

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