News and Magazine Portfolio

Post 1 -29/03/12

I have just finished my first feature, based on internet dating. At first I had completed a local based feature on the Perran Foundry, but struggled to make it sound interesting, and an easy read. I decided I wanted to write about lifestyle more and stumbled across internet dating whilst watching TV. For a few days I played around with the idea, and worked on how I could make a feature on online dating interesting and worth writing about without having a particular angle. This was harder than I had imagined. I gathered as much research as I could surrounding the world of online dating. Statistics from the UK and other countries, different sites and which were more popular, and which sites created the most revenue. Collecting all this data was difficult, especially as data for 2012 is not yet accessible. I got in contact with the head of PR of Courtland Brooks, a company which specialise in online dating. After initial contact I still haven’t heard back from Mark Brooks, whom I sent questions regarding my feature. Instead I relied on quotes from those who use online dating. I managed to find two people who were willing to be named, and happy to answer any questions I asked. Whilst I am aware that my feature has no particular angle, I think I have summed up the big issues surrounding online dating, including the pros, cons, statistics and real life answers from those who have experienced online dating first hand. I have tried to keep my work upbeat, but at the same time informal.

Post 2- 30/03/12

I have decided to start my review. There are so many films out at the moment that I wanted to review such as the two films based on snow white, and it would have been interesting to compare and contrast the two, also Titanic 3D is hitting the big screens to mark the 100th anniversary of the ships sinking. I am planning to see the film, and again it will be interesting to compare and contrast how 3d has changed, or not changed the feel of one of the most classic and sought after films of my generation. Instead, I have chosen to review David Hockney’s, A bigger picture RA exhibition held at The Royal Academy of Arts in London. I have tickets for the exhibition as I studied art in college and still draw and paint. In college I studied a lot of David Hockney’s work, and know a lot about his life and working career, and so the exhibition is very special. It is a very important and highly recognised exhibition, due to the amount of work, and the scale of the work included. It will be very interesting to see all of his new idea’s and contemporary work. I feel review the exhibition will produce a stronger piece of work as it is something that can be interpreted completely different by different people. I feel like I have a personal connection what I am choosing to write and review, and I feel that this will show in my writing.

Post 3-12/04/12

For my second feature I have decided to look at the Daphne du Maurier festival which is held in my local town of Fowey each year. Daphne du Maurier lived in Fowey, and remains a famous figure not only nationally but is a big part of the local town. The festival brings a lot of tourism into Fowey, as well as a lot of famous faces. I haven’t quite decided on the angle of which I am going to use for this feature, but I think there is a lot that can be said about the goings on of this year’s festival, and the impact that it has on the locals.  The idea’s that I have thought about, to use as an angle are both focusing on just the festival, and producing a light hearted feature of the goings on, dates and times etc. Looking at how the festival commemorates Daphne du Maurier, and the history behind who she was and what she did, or bringing both ideas together. Despite which angle I chose I have already found who I want to interview, both the director of the Daphne du Maurier festival, and Bryher Scudamore, the Editor-in-cheif for BBC online, who is giving a talk at the festival. Bryher lives locally, and hopefully will be willingly to give an interview.

Post 4- 08/05/12

Amongst writing my features and reviews, I haven’t had time to think about a news story. This was until a fire broke out in one of Falmouth’s largest hotels. Luckily I was notified by a friend of the commotion over so many fire brigades and traffic issues and I was able to attend the scene within an hour of the fire breaking out. Standing almost opposite to the hotel I was able to see the destruction and damage that the fire was causing, and also the weather conditions that helped the fire escalate. I took a notepad and my phone for photographs with me, however I felt I was unable to ask too many questions and there was such a commotion, and the fire was attracting a lot of attention, not to mention the emergency services were far too busy. Although it has already been a week since the fire, I feel that I took great photographs and videos and have been able to speak to a fire fighter who attended the fire and was able to give me some really good information. I feel that this news story is brilliant local news, and is a topic that has caused concern from all over the country. Although it’s incredibly sad, I feel it is a good piece to write as the fire has also highlight the strength and the compassion from the locals of Falmouth. The trouble that I am finding, however is how I can give my story an angle that makes it different from all the other news stories based on the fire. It’s difficult as it is such a sensitive subject, and I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes and upset anyone who was involved, whom I may want to contact and quote.

Post 5-29/05/12

I have completed my portfolio now. I had to change a few things , as I came across new ideas which I thought would be more interesting.

I decided to not add my Daphne du Maurier feature as I was unable to get the quotes from the right people, and overall the piece didn’t feel strong enough, which was a shame as it was very current and I had a lot of background information.

Instead I wrote a piece based on the Fal River Festival, which will take place in a few weeks time. I wrote this feature whilst at work experience at Cornwall Today magazine, and was able to get brilliant quotes, and I’m much happier with this than the previous piece.

I also decided to write a different news story. Originally I had wanted to write about the fire in Falmouth Beach resort and hotel as I had great photos and information from the fire brigade. Unfortunately I was unable to write the story quick enough, and it soon became old news. I tried to come up with a different angle, but I had trouble finding people who were willing to talk to me, and eventually I had to give up.

I have written about the Cornwall Triathlon Series 2012, as I have been asked to write the press releases for the upcoming events. It’s a really interesting new project that will be great considering we are in an Olympic Year, the event has gathered a lot of interest and I think it makes a great local news story.

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