Daily Archives: November 4, 2011

Limitless Film Review

No-hoper Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is an author suffering from severe writers block; add to this the break-up from girlfriend and publicist Lindy (Abbie Cornish), lack of funds due to a spending spree of an advance on his first novel, and in major need of a haircut and you end up with a very shabby, unmotivated guy, who looks like he needs some luck in his life.

Well you know what they say about luck just being around the corner and all that, well typically in this film, it actually is. Luck however comes in the form of Eddie’s ex-wife’s brother who’s idea of catching up consists of drug dealing with a whisky in one hand. Not the nicest of guys. However he seemingly turns Eddie’s life around the moment that he gives him NZT, an experimental brain-enhancing pill that lets you use 100% of your mind. Dubious Eddie takes the pill and manages to rid himself of his writers block and produces the first draft of his much anticipated novel, much to his publicist’s surprise. 

Suddenly everything is coming together for the man who seemed destined for doom. He has climbed the stake ladder in the financial world, managing to impress business mogul Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro). Nab himself his former flame Lindy, and buy a very flash new pad. Manhattan, Eddie Morra has arrived.  

But, it’s not all just a happy go lucky kind of story, and throughout the plot, darker layers emerge. Eddie soon is aware of the people who will do anything to get the hands on NZT, and they are not the nicest if you can imagine. But like most thriller films, Eddie always comes out on top, no surprise as he is still hooked on the super drug.

Limitless is filled with thrilling scenes, chases from unknown stalkers, a few love scenes, and a fair few questions about whom what and where and you are left with a pretty damn exciting film. Cooper delivers a good performance, however there are a few characters which would have been nice to see their parts developed but none-the-less a great watch.

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